What is a Podiatrist?

Podiatrists are experts in foot, ankle and leg health.

We help to prevent, diagnose and treat all conditions affecting the lower limb.

We treat clients all all ages, from children to the elderly, including those with disabilities under the NDIS.

Common conditions include:

You don’t need a referral to see a Podiatrist, and you may be covered by your private health fund.

Should I see a Podiatrist or a Physio?

When you develop a lower limb injury it is often hard to know which health professional to see first.

In this video Senior Podiatrist Justin Hogg explains the different ways Physios and Podiatrists manage lower limb injuries and why our treatments work so well in combination.

Lower limb injuries occur when structures in the leg or foot are overloaded.

Podiatrists and Physios both assist in injury recovery by managing load, but use different ways to do this.

Podiatrists focus on ways to quickly reduce load, using devices and footwear, to give clients a “quick win” and rapidly reduce pain and encourage healing.

Physiotherapists prescribe strength and conditioning exercises which increase the structures’ ability to tolerate load. This medium - long term stratergy is very important is assiting recovery and helping prevent the injury from coming back